Thank you, Sheriff Larson

Editorial: Speaking with those who worked closest with him, a common characteristic associated with Franklin County Sheriff Linn Larson was his patience and willingness to listen and work with anyone.
We at the Hampton Chronicle and Mid-America Publishing saw that as well. Larson was willing to provide as much information as possible when a situation arose and did so in a professional and understanding manner. If he didn’t answer his phone right away, a return call was usually not far behind.
The relationship between media and law enforcement is a complicated one. On our end, we need information as quickly as possible, which can sometimes come off as an annoyance. On their end, their top priority is making sure everyone involved in a situation is safe. Those two ends don’t always meet and most of the time when they don’t, it’s of no fault to either side.
But it never felt like a phone call to Larson at any time during the day was an inconvenience. He’d always answer with the same, calm tone and answer questions as they were asked. He was open to and encouraged follow-up phone calls if additional information was needed.
The news of his passing last week touched everyone in our community. Everyone who worked alongside him in one capacity or another will comment on his diligence and integrity. Those who needed a hand from him note his compassion and how no concern seemed too small for him.
We truly lost a community leader last week. His shoes will be difficult to fill, but the staff and officers he worked beside are willing and able to try.
We at the Hampton Chronicle and Mid-America Publishing would like to extend our sincerest thoughts and condolences to Larson’s family, friends, fellow officers and those that felt his impact in any way.

Hampton Chronicle

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