Ragan Report

Amanda Ragan

Help for Iowans with disabilities, honoring north Iowans
Iowans with disabilities often wish to live as independently as possible. The ABLE Act will help them do just that.
     The ABLE – Achieving a Better Life Experience – Act was approved by the U.S. Congress in December. It allows people with disabilities to establish tax-free savings trusts into which money can be deposited to pay for future disability-related expenses. To be eligible, the condition must have occurred prior to age 26.
     The trust can be used for expenses that help maintain health, self-sufficiency and quality of life. These trusts are even more attractive because people with disabilities can save up to $100,000 without losing eligibility for other services.
     Under current federal tax limitations, as much as $14,000 may be deposited annually. Donors can deduct deposits from income tax calculations, and any gains are protected from income taxes. Each state must create its own program before its residents can establish ABLE savings accounts.
     The state Senate is working to be sure that Iowa is ready to implement the program as soon as federal rules are finalized. SF 439 was approved by the Senate Ways & Means Committee last week. It models Iowa’s ABLE program on the College Savings Iowa 529 program administered by the State Treasurer.
     Learn more about the ABLE Act and the benefits of an ABLE account from the National Disabilities Institute at www.realeconomicimpact.org/News.aspx?id=460.
     Also this week, the Senate held a memorial service for former members of the Iowa Legislature. Among those honored were three north Iowans, the Honorable Arthur Gratias, Clifford Branstad and Dennis May.
     The Memorial Service is a time-honored tradition in which we recognize former members for their commitment to public service. This service is held every two years, and we memorialize lawmakers that have died in the two years previous. 
     In 2015, we gathered to commemorate the service of 19 former members of the Iowa Senate and House. The event includes singing by a choir of volunteers from both the House and Senate, made up of legislators, clerks, pages, doorkeepers and even lobbyists. A memorial resolution is read and a candle is lit in their honor as the invited family stands in remembrance.
• Additional information
     This is a legislative column by Sen. Amanda Ragan, representing Franklin, Butler and Cerro Gordo counties. For newsletters, photos and further information, go to www.senate.iowa.gov/senator/ragan.
     To contact Sen. Ragan during the week, call the Senate Switchboard at (515) 281-3371. Otherwise she can be reached at home at (641) 424-0874. Email her at amanda.ragan@legis.iowa.gov.
     Sen. Ragan is an Assistant Senate Majority Leader, chair of the Health & Human Services Budget Subcommittee, vice-chair of the Agriculture Committee and vice-chair of the Human Resources Committee. She also serves on the Appropriations, Natural Resources & Environment, Rules & Administration and Veterans Affairs committees.

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